Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Movies your embarrased to admit you like?

Ok, It's hard to say it, but I like the Dirty Dancing. Yes, it's a big ole chick flick but I don't care. I know it's full of adultery, rebellion, abortion and of course, all that dancing but I can't help it. I just dig this flick. I'm not even sure why, I don't like to dance and even if I did I wouldn't because I'm pretty sure I would look really, really bad. Anyway, I bought it on DVD not to long ago because I got tired of having to watch it whenever it came on tv. So I ask the question, what movie or tv show for that matter are you embarrassed to admit you like?


Coach Sal said...

In the category of guilty Patrick Swayze pleasures: Road House. So bad it's good.

Danny Baddeley said...

yeah, that one is pretty bad too, nothing like bar drama.

bekster said...

Adultery? Dancing? Who cares, as long as it doesn't have clapping...

Let me just say, for the record, that I think Patrick Swayze is a little funny-looking to be a hot movie star. So is Jennifer Grey. Their faces look weird to me, and she has no chest. What's the point of having all of the supposedly arousing scenes when the lead girl looks like a little boy with a bad redneck haircut? In fact, even when Swayze was in "Ghost" with Demi Moore, she even looked like a little boy with a bad haircut (though much better with good hair in other movies). Jennifer Grey just sticks in my head too much as Ferris Bueller's sister. "Dirty Dancing" is still a good movie, though.

Goode Design said...

LOL. Becky said clapping. as if they would do such vile things on film!

At Harding University there was a saying: Sex leads to dancing... so, since it CLEARLY happened in the right order in the movie, this should be/would be banned at ole HU.

iwthndug n. [slang] the amount of dirt one carries with on their clothing after having excavated a large hole in a muddy pit.

Ben said...

Well, I would have to say "Maximum Overdrive". I do like the movie but I also know its one of the most pathetic plots ever made. Its listed on my blog as one of my fav's.

Aimée Nicholson said...

Clueless. It's so bad but never ceases to entertain. What can I say?

Paul Murphy said...

White Nights. Gregory Hines and Mikhail Baryshnikov. I don't care if it does have ballet its like manly ballet.

Coach Sal said...

In "Ghost," I couldn't get over the fact that at the end when Demi is kissing Swayze, that if she had opened her eyes it would have been Whoopi Goldberg. Although it's a great film just for putting the Righetous Brothers back in the top 40. "Top Gun" is in the same category, but I think that it was a Hall & Oates remix. Gotta love that blue-eyed soul!

Ben said...

Patrick Swayze was in a few bad movies. Danny I thought of another movie, not that we liked it but I remember we were so dissapointed. "Robot Jox". It was like 12 years ago but it was a terrible movie.

bekster said...

I thought "Top Gun" was more of a Kenny Loggins remix. I do love Hall & Oates, though.

Coach Sal said...

In "Top Gun," the Hall & Oates remix was of the Righteous Brothers' "She's Lost That Lovin' Feeling." Kenny Loggins did the opening track of "Highway to the Danger Zone." 1986--great year.