Friday, February 1, 2008

Deer Crossing

About two months ago my mom purchased an almost brand new Honda Civic which she loved so very much. Last night while driving home from the grocery store with Mema (my grandmother) in the car, a deer ran across the four lane right into the front of my mom's car. Needless to say my moms car is no longer in mint condition. Thankfully neither mom or Mema were hurt. I haven't seen the car yet but from what I understand it smashed the hood over the front window and sufficiently rearranged the various parts of the engine. Mom was able to drive the car home (about 1/4 mile) and park in her garage for the night. It has now been towed and we will see if it's totaled or not. In every situation there is a bright side, although it may be hard to see sometimes, but when one of my mom's coworkers heard about the accident she promptly go in her truck and went to the scene of the accident and retrieved the deer, that sat on the side of the road all night. Mom was informed that this was "good eating". So at least mom was able to feed a hungry family, but I suggested the next time she go deer hunting she should use a rifle and not a Honda. If I can get pictures of the car I will post them. Thank God my mother and grandmother are fine.

1 comment:

bekster said...

Ooh noo! Glad they are okay...

Did this car have a nic-name? (I bet it does now!)