Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Paris Hilton goes to jail!

As many of you probably know since it has been a dominating although ridiculous story, Paris Hilton is going to jail. My question is, why is this a big story? Who are the people that care and can someone please give them a book to read or find them a friend? Once again the media focuses on the most insignificant of happenings.


Alissa said...

I wouldn't have known, if you hadn't mentioned it here...but, I am terribly upset, seeing as how I think we would be really good friends, as we have so much in common...don't you think?

Fancy finding you on a blog, huh? I saw you on the Murphys blog and came to see what you are up to.

Since you might have some pull with camp, you think you could find Adam and I a place on staff next year? We will be able to work it out with our new jobs and would love to join you.

Danny Baddeley said...

You never know who you will find online. Would love to have you guys at camp next year. Tell Adam I am hiring a heavy metal band just for him.

Alissa said...

Adam would only go for that if he gets to play the drums! We are going to be the new houseparents at Southeastern Children's Home. Should be there by July.