Sunday, February 25, 2007

What I do

So after reading my good friend Mike Polutta's blog I thought I might share some of what I do for a living since I have had several people ask me in the past and they seem to leave with a puzzled look on their face. Heidi and I both are employed at the Dampp-Chaser Corp. (The two p's are their on purpose) We manufacture dehumidifier/humidifier systems that go inside pianos to keep them in tune. (I know, it sounds like so much fun) It's a unique product to be sure, to keep it simple the system reads the humidity in the air in and around the piano and switches between adding humidity or taking away humidity. Humidity in the air can warp the wood and pull the strings of a piano and take it out of tune rather quickly. Our system combats that. It's geared more towards serious piano players. If you have a 20,000 dollar piano in your home then a 800 dollars piano system seems like a wise investment. There are only 3 companies in the world that make what we make and the other two manufacture rather cheaply made knock offs. We fix their screw ups all the time. Heidi and I both enjoy our work their and its actually very enjoyable to work with your wife all day. She is a the Cell Leader for the final packaging area and I am the Shipping/Warehouse Manager. Heidi and I have a rule, we can only talk about work for one hour after getting off work, sometimes we have to knock ourselves back into husband and wife mode. Heidi has been there for almost six years and I am going on three. (yes, she makes more money then me and I am quite ok with it) Anyway, thats what I do to earn a living. Maybe later I will talk a little more about who I am.

1 comment:

Danny Baddeley said...

I realize I spelled their when I should have used there. I shouldn't blog at night, to sleepy.