Just a quick thank you to all that worked at PBC. It truly was a super week. You all made my job as director go as smoothly as possible. It was obvious to me that God had his hand on everything at camp. We had perfect weather, the new things we tried like the hotdog lunch, dinner theater and registration in the upper room all seemed to go well. So I give a high five, hug or whatever you prefer to all staff and a few special thanks to some others who helped out.
Becky Brown - The BBP was fantastic, the music was awesome and moved me.
Tommy Brown - Where would I be without you? You keep my head straight and always seem to have a great answer to a problem. You are the man!
Stemy - Your a true servant. You have the most behind the scenes job and camp and pull it off with grace. Thank you.
Larry - The education materials were great, you tied the theme together even though in the beginning you weren't sure you could. Nothing but great comments. Also you have a fantastic hair cut.
DK - Dude, there aren't enough words.
Mike P. - Thank your for your help with the special assignment on Friday. You were a steady and experienced hand in a time of uncertainty and a true servant to our campers.
Curt - Quite frankly you did a great job letting me succeed and fail. I know it had to be hard to not be in charge for the first time in 15 years.
Mike Darling - You had big shoes to fill and you did a superb job. I know you were hurting early in the week but you fought a valiant fight. Worship was a joy to take part in.
Ted- I don't know if you were lying for my sake or if you were telling the truth, but thank you for the kind words. You make me smile.
To Brother Ben - Great job on games, dinner theater and fighting through a week of broken RV's and first time jitters.
Most of all, thank you God, without whom none of camp would be possible. I know that all of the work and planning our staff did was to his glory! God be praised!!!